Fans in room air conditioning systems (AHU systems) require electrical energy, not least to overcome the flow resistance of integrated particulate air filters.
It should be possible to save energy by using energy-efficient filters which offer less resistance than standard filters. Or that’s the theory.
To verify this in practice, TROX carried out a yearlong test to measure and compare.
Read more about saving 50 % of energy costs by using the correct filters
This completely redesigned digital pressure monitor for the display and monitoring of differential pressures in non-aggressive gases is the latest addition to our filter product portfolio.
Adverse health effects of fine dust in the outdoor air. A report by the German Environment Agency of 4 November 2016 states that particulate matter pollution does indeed impair people's health. In the years from 2007 to 2014, an average of 45,300 premature deaths are attributed to the fine dust concentration in the outdoor air in Germany each year. Therefore, effective filter systems in room air conditioning systems that separate the fine dust from the outdoor air are an important contribution for maintaining good health.
With an extensive and diverse filter portfolio, TROX has suitable filter units and filter elements for the most varied installation situations and fields of application.
Installed in walls, ducts, ceilings or air handling units, whether in schools, production facilities or pharmaceutical laboratories, TROX filters are used all over the world.
They satisfy the most stringent quality requirements, comply with international standards and impress with minimal pressure losses, hence ensuring long service lives.
Read more in our brochure.
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