VAV terminal unit, variant

  • VAV terminal unit for variable volume flow control
  • With flanges to make detachable connections to the ductwork

Tested to VDI 6022

Variant with flange

Easy cleaning of sensor tubes



For contaminated air


Plastic circular VAV terminal units for aggressive extract air in variable air volume systems

  • Casing and damper blade made of flame-resistant polypropylene
  • Slide-out effective pressuresensor allows for easy cleaning
  • Suitable for the control of volume flow rate, room pressure or duct pressure
  • Electronic control components for different applications (Universal and LABCONTROL)
  • Suitable for airflow velocities up to 13 m/s
  • Closed blade air leakage to EN 1751, class 3
  • Casing air leakage to EN 1751, class C




Optional equipment and accessories

  • With flanges on both ends
  • Matching flanges for both ends
  • Plastic secondary silencer Type CAK for the reduction of air-regenerated noise




General information


  • Circular VAV terminal units for use in ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • VAV terminal units made from plastic, suitable for contaminated air
  • For controlling, restricting or shutting off airflows, preferably extract air flows
  • Closed-loop volume flow control using an external power supply
  • For variable or constant volume flow systems
  • Shut-off by means of switching (by others)
  • Can also be used for duct or room pressure control with suitable control components

Special features

  • Slide-out integral effective pressure sensor with 3 mm measuring holes (resistant to contamination)
  • Factory set-up or programming and aerodynamic function testing
  • Parameters can also later be set on the control component; an additional adjustment device may be necessary

Nominal sizes

  • 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400


  • TVRK: VAV terminal unit
  • TVRK-FL: VAV terminal unit with flanges on both ends

Parts and characteristics

  • Ready-to-commission unit which consists of mechanical parts and control components.
  • Averaging effective pressure sensor for volume flow rate measurement; can be removed for cleaning
  • Damper blade
  • Factory mounted control components complete with wiring and tubing
  • Aerodynamic functional testing on a special test rig before shipping of each unit
  • Set-up data is given on a label affixed to the unit
  • High control accuracy (even with upstream bend R = 1D)


  • Universal controller: controller, effective pressure transducer, and actuators for special applications
  • LABCONTROL: control components for air management systems


  • Matching flanges for both ends, including seals

Useful additions

  • Plastic secondary silencer Type CAK for demanding acoustic requirements

Construction features

  • Circular casing
  • Spigot suitable for ducts according to DIN 8077
  • Both spigots with the same diameter
  • Position of the damper blade indicated externally at shaft extension

Materials and surfaces

  • Casing and damper blade made of flame-resistant polypropylene (PPs)
  • Effective pressure sensor and plain bearings made of polypropylene (PP)
  • Damper blade seal made of chloroprene rubber (CR)
  • Stainless steel shaft, material no. 14104

Standards and guidelines

Fulfils the hygiene requirements of

  • EN 16798, Part 3
  • VDI 6022, Sheet 1
  • DIN 1946, Part 4
  • For other applicable standards and guidelines refer to the hygiene certificate


Casing leakage

  •  EN 1751, Class C

Closed blade air leakage

  • EN 1751, Class 3
  • Meets the general requirements of DIN 1946, part 4, with regard to the acceptable closed blade air leakage


  • Maintenance-free as construction and materials are not subject to wear
  • Zero point correction of the static effective pressure transducer should be carried out once per year (recommendation)

Műszaki információk

Function, Quick sizing, Specification text, Order code, Related Products

Schematic illustration of the TVRK TVRK_gc_04ai.png

① Effective pressure sensor

② Casing

③ Actuator

④ Damper blade

⑤ Control components, e.g. a Universal controller

The VAV terminal unit is fitted with an effective pressure sensor for measuring the volume flow rate.

The control components (attachments) include an effective pressure transducer that transforms the effective pressure into an electric signal, a controller and an actuator as individual components (Universal or LABCONTROL).

For most applications, the setpoint value comes from an external setpoint adjuster.

The controller compares the actual value with the setpoint value and alters the control signal of the actuator if there is a difference between the two values.


Quick sizing tables provide a good overview of the minimum differential pressures, the volume flow rate accuracy and the room sound pressure levels that can be expected. Intermediate values may be achieved by interpolation.

The sound power levels for calculating the sound pressure levels were measured in the TROX laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 5135 - see "Basic information and nomenclature".

Precise results and spectral data for all control components can be calculated with our Easy Product Finder design program. The first selection criteria for the nominal size are the actual volume flow rates qvmin and qvmax.

Volume flow rate ranges and minimum differential pressure values
The minimum differential pressure of VAV terminal units is an important factor in designing the ductwork and in rating the fan including speed control. It must be ensured that for all operating conditions and for all terminal units a sufficient pressure differential is applied to each controller (Δpstat,min). The measurement points for fan speed control must be selected accordingly. The volume flow rates given for VAV terminal units depend on the nominal size and on the control component (attachment) that is installed.

Volume flow rate ranges and minimum differential pressure values
Control component for static pressure measurements

NSqv [l/s]qv [m³/h]Δpstmin [Pa]Δqv [±%]

① Basic unit
② Basic unit with circular silencer CAK, insulation thickness 50 mm, length 500 mm
③ Basic unit with circular silencer CAK, insulation thickness 50 mm, length 1000 mm
④ Basic unit with circular silencer CAK, insulation thickness 50 mm, length 1500 mm

Quick sizing table for sound pressure levels

The quick sizing tables are based on generally accepted attenuation levels. If the sound pressure level exceeds the required level, a larger air terminal unit and/or a silencer or acoustic cladding is required. For more information on the acoustic data, see basic information and nomenclature.

Quick sizing table for air-regenerated noise LPA
Controller including silencer
(total flow rate range of type)

NSqv [l/s]qv [m³/h]150 Pa500 Pa
12520703520< 15< 15412418< 15

Air-regenerated noise LPA [dB] at static differential pressure Δpst 150 or 500 Pa

① Basic unit

② Basic unit with circular silencer CAK, insulation thickness 50 mm, length 500 mm

③ Basic unit with circular silencer CAK, insulation thickness 50 mm, length 1000 mm

④ Basic unit with circular silencer CAK, insulation thickness 50 mm, length 1500 mm

n.a.: The specified static differential pressure Δpst is lower than the minimum differential pressure Δpst min.

Quick sizing table for case-radiated noise LPA

NSqv [l/s]qv [m³/h]150 Pa500 Pa

Case-radiated noise LPA [dB] at static differential pressure Δpst 150 or 500 Pa

n.a.: The specified static differential pressure Δpst is lower than the minimum differential pressure Δpst min.



Information on case-radiated noise for combinations of basic unit and secondary silencer can be found in the Easy Product Finder design program.

Circular VAV terminal units made of PPs plastic, for variable and constant air volume systems, suitable for extract air, available in 6 nominal sizes. High control accuracy (even with upstream bend R = 1D). Ready-to-commission unit which consists of the mechanical parts and the electronic control components Each unit contains an averaging effective pressure sensor for volume flow rate measurement, and a damper blade. Factory mounted control components complete with wiring and tubing Effective pressure sensor with 3 mm measuring holes, hence resistant to contamination. Position of the damper blade indicated externally at shaft extension. The damper blade is factory set to open position, which allows a ventilation airflow even without control; this does not apply to variants with defined safe position NC (normally closed). Closed blade air leakage to EN 1751, class 3. Casing air leakage to EN 1751, class B. Meets the hygiene requirements of EN 16798, Part 3, of VDI 6022, Sheet 1, and of DIN 1946, Part 4.

Special features

  • Slide-out integral effective pressure sensor with 3 mm measuring holes (resistant to contamination)
  • Factory set-up or programming and aerodynamic function testing
  • Parameters can also later be set on the control component; an additional adjustment device may be necessary

Materials and surfaces

  • Casing and damper blade made of flame-resistant polypropylene (PPs)
  • Differential pressure sensor and plain bearings made of polypropylene (PP)
  • Damper blade seal made of chloroprene rubber (CR)


  • Spigot, suitable for ducts according to DIN 8077

Technical data

  • Nominal sizes: 125 to 400 mm
  • Volume flow rate range: 20 – 1666 l/s or 70 – 5978 m³/h
  • Volume flow rate control range: approx. 12 – 100 % of the nominal volume flow rate
  • Minimum differential pressure: up to 62 Pa
  • Maximum differential pressure: 1000 Pa

    Specification text for attachment

Variable volume flow control with electronic Universal controller for applying a reference value and capturing an actual value to be integrated with the central BMS.
    • Supply voltage 24 V AC/DC
    • Signal voltages 0 – 10 V DC or 2 – 10 V DC
    • Possible override controls with external switches using volt-free contacts: CLOSE, OPEN, qᵥmin and qᵥmax

Sizing data

    • q _______________________ [m³/h]
    • Δpst _______________________


    Air-regenerated noise

    • LPA _______________________


    Case-radiated noise

    • LPA _______________________


Order code for volume flow control (with VARYCONTROL attachment)
TVRKFL / 160 / GK / XD4 / V2 / 200 – 900 [m³/h] / NO

1 Type
VAV terminal unit, plastic 

2 Duct connectionNo entry: spigot
FL Flanges on both ends 

3 Nominal size [mm]

4 AccessoriesNo entry: none
GK Matching flanges for both ends 

5 Attachments (control components)
For example
XD4 Universal controller (VARYCONTROL) with static effective pressure transducer 

7 Operating mode
F Constant value (one setpoint value)
V Variable (setpoint value range) 

8 Signal voltage range
For the actual and setpoint value signals
0 0 – 10 V DC
2 2 – 10 V DC 

9 Operating values for factory setting
Volume flow rates [m3/h or l/s]
qᵥconst. (with operating mode F)
qᵥmin – qᵥmax (with operating mode V) 

10 Damper blade position
Only with spring return actuators
NO Power off to OPEN
NC Power off to CLOSE   

Order example: TVRK/160/XD4/V2/200–900 m³/h/NO
Duct connectionSpigot
Nominal size160 mm
Attachments (control components)VARYCONTROL Universal controller with static effective pressure transducer and safe position function with spring return actuator
Operating modeVariable operation
Signal voltage range2 – 10 V DC
Operating valuesqvmin = 200 m³/hqvmax = 900 m³/h
Damper blade positionNO power off to OPEN

Order code for volume flow control (with TROX UNIVERSAL attachment)
TVRKFL / 160 / GK / TUNF / RE / M / 0 / UMZ / / NC
1 Type
TVRK VAV terminal unit, plastic
2 Duct connection
No entry required: Spigot
FL Flanges on both ends
3 Nominal size [mm]
125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400
4 Accessories
No entry required: None
GK Matching flanges both sides
5 Attachments (control components)
TROX UNIVERSAL controller variants:
TUN Actuator (150 s)
TUNF Spring return actuator (150 s)
TUS Fast-running actuator (3 s)
TUSD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
6 Equipment function
Room control
RE  Extract air control (Room Extract)
7 Volume flow rate setting
M  Master (RMF)
S Slave
F Constant flow rate controller
8 Signal voltage range
0 0 – 10 V DC
2 2 – 10 V DC
9 Expansion of attachments
Option 1: Power supply
No entry required: 24 V AC/DC
T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Option 2: Digital communication interface
No entry required: None
B EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
I EM-IP: EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
R EM-IP with real time clock
Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
No entry required: None
Z EM-AUTOZERO with solenoid valve
10 Operating values [m³/h or l/s]
qᵥmin: Minimum volume flow rate
qᵥmax: Maximum volume flow rate
qᵥconst_Supply air: Constant supply air
qᵥconst_Extract air: Constant extract air
qᵥDiff: Supply air/extract air difference
Constant value
qᵥconst: constant volume flow rate
No entry required
11 Damper blade position
Only with control component TUNF (spring return actuator)
NO Power off to OPEN
NC Power off to CLOSE
Useful additions
Room control panel
BE-LCD 40-character display

Order example: TVRK-FL/125/TUN/RE/S/0/UZ/
Flangeboth ends
Nominal size125 mm
Attachments (control components)TROX UNIVERSAL controller, actuator run time 150 s
Equipment functionExtract air control
Volume flow rate settingSlave
Signal voltage range0 – 10 V DC
Expansion modulesWith expansion module EM-TRF-USV,transformer for 230 V AC and uninterruptible power supply (UPS)With expansion module EM-AUTOZERO,solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction
Operating valuesNo entry required (slave)

Order code for differential pressure control (with VARYCONTROL attachment)
TVRKFL / 160 / GK / XF4 / PDE / F2 / 500 Pa / NO

1 Type
VAV terminal unit, plastic 

2 Duct connection
No entry: spigot
FL Flanges on both ends 

3 Nominal size [mm]

4 Accessories
No entry: none
GK Matching flanges for both ends 

5 Attachments (control components)
For example
XF0 Compact controller for duct pressure
XF4 Universal controller for duct pressure (VARYCONTROL) 

6 Equipment function/Installation location
PDS Duct pressure control, supply air
PDE Duct pressure control, extract air
PRS Room pressure control, supply air
PRE Room pressure control, extract air 

7 Operating mode
F Constant value (one setpoint value)
V Variable (setpoint value range) 

8 Signal voltage range
For the actual and setpoint value signals
0 0 – 10 V DC
2 2 – 10 V DC 

9 Operating values for factory setting
For duct pressure control, enter the differential pressure [Pa] as an absolute value.
pconst. (with operating mode F)
pmin - ∆pmax (with operating mode V) 

10 Damper blade position
Only with spring return actuators
NO Power off to OPEN
NC Power off to CLOSE

Order example: TVRK/315/XF0/PDE/F0/550 Pa
Duct connectionSpigot
Nominal size315 mm
Attachments (control components)Compact controller, static, duct pressure control
Equipment function/installation locationDuct pressure control, extract air
Operating modeConstant value control
Signal voltage range0 – 10 V DC
Operating valuepconst. = 550 Pa

Order code for differential pressure control (with TROX UNIVERSAL attachment)
TVRKFL / 160 / GK / TUNF / PRE / MFP / 0 / UMZ / / NC
1 Type
TVRK VAV terminal unit, plastic
2 Duct connection
No entry required: Spigot
FL both ends
3 Nominal size [mm]
125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400
4 Accessories
No entry required: None
GK Matching flanges both sides
5 Attachments (control components)
TROX UNIVERSAL controller variants:
TUN Actuator (150 s)
TUNF Spring return actuator (150 s)
TUS Fast-running actuator (3 s)
TUSD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
6 Equipment function
Pressure control
PRE Room pressure control, extract air
PDE Duct pressure control, extract air
7 Effectivepressure setting
MFP Master, constant pressure control
MVP Master, variable differential pressure control
SFP Slave, constant pressure control
SVP Slave, variable differential pressure control
8 Signal voltage range
0 0 – 10 V DC
2 2 – 10 V DC
9 Expansion of attachments
Option 1: Power supply
No entry required: 24 V AC/DC
T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Option 2: Digital communication interface
No entry required: None
B EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
I EM-IP: EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
R EM-IP with real time clock
Option 3: Volume flow rate measurement
No entry required: None
V  EM-V Volume flow rate measurement for differential pressure control
Option 4: Automatic zero point correction
No entry required: None
Z EM-AUTOZERO with solenoid valve (only with V)
10 Operating values [Pa, m³/h or l/s]
Slave SVP
Δpmin: Minimum differential pressure
Δpmax: Max. differential pressure
Slave SFP
Δpconst: Constant differential pressure
Master MFP and MVP – same as slave, but additionally:
qᵥmin: Minimum volume flow rate
qᵥmax: Maximum volume flow rate
qᵥconst_CLOSED: Constant supply air
qᵥconst_Exhaust: Constant extract air
qᵥDiff: Supply air/extract air difference
11 Damper blade position
Only with control component TUNF (spring return actuator)
NO Power off to OPEN
NC Power off to CLOSE
Useful additions
Room control panel
BE-LCD 40-character display
Differential pressure transducers for room pressure control or duct pressure control to be ordered separately, e.g.:
PT-699 for room pressure control
PT-699-DUCT for duct pressure control, including tube and pressure tap

Order example: TVRK/125/TUN/PDE/SVP/0/TVZ/100/350 Pa

Duct connectionSpigot
Nominal size125 mm
Attachments (control components)TROX UNIVERSAL controller, actuator run time 150 s
Equipment functionDuct pressure control, extract air
Effective pressure settingSlave, variable differential pressure control
Signal voltage characteristics0 – 10 V DC
Expansion modulesWith expansion module EM-TRF,
transformer for 230 V AC supply
With expansion module EM-V,
for volume flow rate measurement with differential pressure control
With expansion module EM-AUTOZERO,
solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction
Operating valuespmin = 100 Pa
pmax = 350 Pa

Order code for room control (with EASYLAB attachment)
| | | | | | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11

1 Type
VAV terminal unit, plastic

2 Duct connection
No entry: spigot
FL Flanges on both ends 

3 Nominal size [mm]

4 Accessories
No entry: none
GK Matching flanges both sides 

5 Attachments (control components)
ELAB EASYLAB controller TCU3 

6 Actuators
S Fast-running actuator (3 s)
SD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD) 

8 Equipment function
Room control
RE Extract air control (Room Exhaust)
PC Differential pressure control (Pressure Control) 

9 Expansion modules
Option 1: Power supplyNo entry: 24 V AC/DC
T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 
Option 2: Digital communication interface
No entry: none
EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
I EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
R EM-IP with real time clock 
Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
No entry: none
Z EM-AUTOZERO Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction 

10 Additional functions
Without room management function
LAB Extract air led system (laboratories)
CLR Supply air led system (clean rooms)
Room management function is active
LAB-RMF Extract air led system
CLR-RMF Supply air led system 

11 Operating values [m³/h or l/s, Pa]
(only required when room management function is active)
Total extract air/supply air of room:
qv1: Standard mode
qv2: Reduced operation
qv3: Increased operation
qv4: Constant supply air
qv5: Constant extract air
qv6: Supply air/extract air difference
Δpset: Setpoint pressure (only with differential pressure control) 
Useful additionsRoom control panel
BE-LCD 40-character display 
The differential pressure transducer required for room pressure control (equipment function) has to be ordered separately, e.g.
PT-699 Measuring range ±50 Pa or ±100 Pa
PT-GB604 Measuring range ±100 Pa

Order example: TVRK-FL/160/GK/ELAB/S/RE/LAB
Duct connectionFlanges on both ends
Nominal size160 mm
AccessoriesMatching flanges for both ends
Attachments (control components)EASYLAB controller TCU3
ActuatorFast-running (3 s)
Equipment functionExtract air control
Additional functionRoom management function has been deactivated
Extract air led system
Operating valuesnot required
Order code for single operation (with EASYLAB attachment)
| | | | | | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Type
 VAV terminal unit, plastic 

2 Duct connection
No entry required: Spigot
FL Flanges on both ends 

3 Nominal size [mm]

4 Accessories
No entry required: None
GK Matching flanges both sides 

5 Attachments (control components)
ELAB EASYLAB controller TCU3 

6 Actuators
S Fast-running actuator (3 s)
SD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD) 

7 Equipment function
Single operation
EC Extract air controller 

8 External volume flow rate setting
E0 Voltage signal 0 – 10 V DC
E2 Voltage signal 2 – 10 V DC
2P Switch contacts (provided by others) for 2 switching steps
3P Switch contacts (provided by others) for 3 switching steps
F Volume flow rate constant value, without signalling 

9 Expansion modules
Option 1: Power supply
No entry required: 24 V AC/DC
T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 
Option 2: Digital communication interface
No entry required: None
EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
I EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
R EM-IP with real time clock 
Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
No entry required: None
Z EM-AUTOZERO Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction 

10 Operating values [m³/h or l/s]
Depending on external volume flow rate setting
E0, E2: qvmin/qvmax
2P: qv1/qv2
3P: qv1/qv2/qv3F: qvconst.

Order example: TVRK/200/ELAB/S/EC/E2/600/900
Duct connectionSpigot
Nominal size200 mm
Attachments (control components)EASYLAB controller TCU3
ActuatorFast-running actuator (3 s)
Equipment functionExtract air controller
External volume flow rate settingVoltage signal 2 – 10 V DC
Operating valuesqvmin = 600 m³/hqvmax = 900 m³/h
Order code for fume cupboard control (with EASYLAB attachment)
TVRKFL/160/GK/ELAB/S/FH – VS/UMZS/200 – 900 [m³/h]
| | | | | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Type
VAV terminal unit, plastic 

2 Duct connection
No entry: spigot
FL Flanges on both ends 

3 Nominal size [mm]

4 Accessories
No entry: none
GK Matching flanges both sides 

5 Attachments (control components)
ELAB EASYLAB controller TCU3

6 Actuators
S Fast-running actuator (3 s)
SD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD) 

7 Equipment function
Fume cupboard control With face velocity transducer
FH-VS Face velocity control strategy 
With face velocity transducer and sash distance sensor
FH-VD Optimised face velocity control strategy 
With sash distance sensor
FH-DS Linear control strategy
FH-DV Safety-optimised control strategy 
With switch contacts (by others) for switching steps
FH-2P Two switching steps
FH-3P Three switching steps 
Without signalling
FH-F Volume flow rate constant value control 

8 Expansion modules
Option 1: Supply voltage
No entry: 24 V AC/DC
T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 
Option 2: Digital communication interface
No entry: none

EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
I EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
R EM-IP with real time clock 
Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
No entry: none
Z EM-AUTOZERO Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction 
Option 4: Lighting
No entry: none
S EM-LIGHT, wired socket for the connection of lighting and for switching the lighting on/off using the control panel
(only in combination with connection EM-TRF or EM-TRF-USV) 

9 Operating values [m³/h or l/s]
Depending on the equipment function
FH-VS: qvmin – qvmax
FH-VD: qvmin – qvmax
FH-DS: qvmin – qvmax
FH-DV: qvmin – qvmax
FH-2P: qv1/qv2
FH-3P: qv1/qv2 /qv3
FH-F: qv1 
Useful additions
Control panel for fume cupboard controller, for displaying the functions of the control system according to EN 14175BE-SEG-** OLED display
BE-LCD 40-character display

Order example: TVRK/200/ELAB/S/FH-2P/TZ/600/1200

Duct connectionSpigot
Nominal size200 mm
Attachments (control components)EASYLAB controller TCU3 with fast-running actuator
ActuatorFast-running actuator (3 s)
Equipment functionTwo switching steps
Expansion moduleWith expansion module EM-TRF,
transformer for 230 V AC supply
With expansion module EM-AUTOZERO,
solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction
Operating valuesqvmin = 600 m³/h
qvmax = 1200 m³/h

Variants, Attachments, Dimensions and weight


Dimensions and weights of TVRK


Dimensions and weight of TVRK-FL


Installation and commissioning

  • Installation orientation must be as shown on the sticker

Upstream conditions

The volume flow rate accuracy  Δq applies to a straight upstream section of the duct. Bends, junctions or a narrowing or widening of the duct cause turbulence that may affect measurement. Duct connections, e.g. branches off the main duct, must comply with EN 1505. Some installation situations require straight duct sections upstream.




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Tel.: +36 (1)212-1211 | Fax: +36 (1)212-0735

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Köszönjük üzenetét!

Az üzenet elküldve, hamarosan feldolgozzuk. Szervizigényekkel foglalkozó részlegünk a lehető leghamarabb felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot.
Általános, termékekkel, szolgáltatásokkal kapcsolatos kérdéseivel a következő telefonszámokon is fordulhat hozzánk:
Tel.: +36 (1)212-1211 | Fax: +36 (1)212-0735