

Circular diffuser faces with circular plenum box

Square diffuser face with square plenum box

Square diffuser face with square plenum box


Circular diffuser face with circular plenum box and top entry spigot 



Horizontal swirling air discharge

Horizontal swirling air discharge



For comfort zones, with fixed air control blades

Circular and square ceiling swirl diffusers that create high induction levels, for high room air change rates

  • Nominal sizes 300, 400, 500, 600, 625
  • Volume flow rate range 9 – 235 l/s or 31 – 846 m³/h
  • Diffuser face made of galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated
  • For supply and extract air
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation
  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • Very high room air change rate possible thanks to row arrangement with a minimum pitch distance of 0.9 m
  • Ideal for comfort zones
  • Circular diffuser faces can be easily mounted without tools in a circular plenum box with horizontal spigot


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Square plenum box with cord-operated damper unit and pressure tap

General information


  • Ceiling swirl diffusers are used as supply air or extract air diffusers for comfort zones
  • Attractive design element for building owners and architects with demanding aesthetic requirements
  • Horizontal swirling supply air discharge for mixed flow ventilation
  • The efficient swirl creates high induction levels, thereby rapidly reducing the temperature difference and airflow velocity (supply air variant)
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For supply air to room air temperature differences from -12 – +10 K
  • For room heights up to 4 m (lower edge of suspended ceiling)
  • For all types of ceiling systems
  • With an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation (supply air variant)

Special features

  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the supply air to room air temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation
  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection
  • Very high room air change rate possible thanks to row arrangement with a minimum pitch distance of 0.9 m

Nominal sizes

  • 300, 400, 500, 600, 625


  • FD-Q: square diffuser face
  • FD-R: circular diffuser face
  • FD-*-Z: Supply air
  • FD-*-A: Extract air


  • H: horizontal duct connection
  • V: vertical duct connection


Lip seal

  • For circular plenum boxes with horizontal connection spigot, the lip seal is only available in combination with the flow adjustment damper. Otherwise, it can always be selected optionally.


  • M: Damper element for volume flow rate balancing
  • MN: Pressure tap and cord-operated damper unit for volume flow rate balancing with the diffuser face in place (only possible with square plenum box)

Construction features

  • Spigot suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180

Square plenum boxes and plenum boxes with vertical connection

  • With spigot made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Groove only available if lip density characteristic has been selected

Circular plenum boxes with horizontal spigot for nominal sizes 250, 400L, 400H and 600

  • Spigot made of black ABS
  • Spigots are fitted with a groove for a lip seal
  • Retrofitting of the lip seal is possible at a later stage
  • Damper blade and lip seal (optional) are factory fitted
  • Plenum box for supply air, with an optimised equalising element that ensures a uniform airflow through the diffuser face
  • Simple installation of the diffuser face due to central fixing screw with cap
  • Plenum box for supply air, with an optimised equalising element that ensures a uniform airflow through the diffuser face
  • Simple installation of the diffuser face due to central fixing screw with decorative cap

Materials and surfaces

  • Grille face made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Q; R: Plenum box made of galvanised sheet steel including galvanised sheet steel cross bar to support the diffuser face
  • Plenum boxes with vertical connection and square plenum boxes with horizontal connection: for supply air always with galvanised perforated plate for air distribution
  • Circular plenum boxes with horizontal spigot: Equipped as a plenum box for supply air with an equalising element made of polyester
  • Square plenum boxes and plenum boxes with vertical spigot: Spigot made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Circular plenum boxes with horizontal spigot: Spigot made of black ABS, according to UL94, V0 flame retardant
  • Lip seal made of Evoprene
  • Diffuser face powder-coated, RAL 9010, pure white
  • P1: Powder-coated, RAL Classic colour

Standards and guidelines

  • Sound power level of the air-regenerated noise measured according to EN ISO 5135


  • Low maintenance as construction and materials are not subject to wear
  • Inspection and cleaning to VDI 6022

Műszaki információk

Function, Technical data, Quick sizing, Specification text, Order code

  • Function

Ceiling swirl diffusers in air conditioning systems create a swirl to supply air to rooms. The resulting airflow induces high levels of room air, thereby rapidly reducing the airflow velocity and the temperature difference between supply air and room air. Ceiling swirl diffusers allow for large volume flow rates. The result is a mixed flow ventilation in comfort zones, with good overall room ventilation, creating only very little turbulence in the occupied zone.

Type FD ceiling swirl diffusers have fixed blades. Air discharge is horizontal omni directional. The supply air to room air temperature difference may range from –12 to +10 K.

A damper blade (optional) simplifies volume flow rate balancing for commissioning. Pressure tap and cord-operated damper blade (optional) allow for volume flow rate balancing with the diffuser face in place.

To give rooms an aesthetic, uniform look, Type FD diffusers may also be used for extract air.


Nominal sizes300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm

Minimum volume flow rate, with Δtz = -6 K

9 – 28 l/s or 31 – 102 m³/h

Maximum volume flow rate, with LWA ≅ 50 dB(A)

70 – 235 l/s or 252 – 846 m³/h
Supply air to room air temperature difference-12 – 10 K

Die Schnellauslegung gibt einen guten Überblick über die möglichen Volumenströme und die korrespondierenden Schallleistungspegel und Druckdifferenzen.

Die minimalen Volumenströme gelten für eine Zulufttemperaturdifferenz von –6 K.

Die maximalen Volumenströme gelten für einen Schallleistungspegel von ca. 50 dB (A) bei 0° Drosselklappenstellung.

Zu exakten Werten, unter Berücksichtigung aller Parameter, führt die Auslegung mit unserem Auslegungsprogramm Easy Product Finder.

FD-*-Z-H (Zuluft), Schallleistungspegel und Gesamtdruckdifferenz

NGqv [l/s]qv [m³/h]45°90°
Δpₜ [Pa]LWA [dB(A)]Δpₜ [Pa]LWA [dB(A)]Δpₜ [Pa]LWA [dB(A)]
600, 625281021<151<153<15

0°, 45°, 90°: Drosselklappenstellung

FD-*-Z-V (Zuluft), Schallleistungspegel und Gesamtdruckdifferenz

NGqv [l/s]qv [m³/h]45°90°
Δpₜ [Pa]LWA [dB(A)]Δpₜ [Pa]LWA [dB(A)]Δpₜ [Pa]LWA [dB(A)]
600, 625281021<151<152<15

0°, 45°, 90°: Drosselklappenstellung

Specification text

Ceiling swirl diffusers with square or circular diffuser face. Supply air and extract air variants for comfort zones, for a maximum air change rate of 35 per hour. Diffuser face with individually manually adjustable air control blades for horizontal swirling supply air discharge creating high induction levels. For installation into all types of suspended ceilings.

Ready-to-install component consisting of the diffuser face with radially arranged, individually adjustable black or white set of air control blades and a plenum box, which is also square in the case of square faceplates (-Q) and round in the case of rounded faceplates (-R). The plenum box has an equalising element for supply air. The plenum box always includes a horizontally or vertically arranged spigot, cross bar and drilled holes or suspension lugs for suspension.
The diffuser face is fixed to the cross bar with a central screw, concealed by a decorative cap.
Spigot suitable for ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180.
Sound power level of the air-regenerated noise measured according to EN ISO 5135.

Special features

  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the supply air to room air temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation
  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection
  • Very high room air change rate possible thanks to row arrangement with a minimum pitch distance of 0.9 m

Materials and surfaces

  • Grille face made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Q; R: Plenum box made of galvanised sheet steel including galvanised sheet steel cross bar to support the diffuser face
  • Plenum boxes with vertical connection and square plenum boxes with horizontal connection: for supply air always with galvanised perforated plate for air distribution
  • Circular plenum boxes with horizontal spigot: Equipped as a plenum box for supply air with an equalising element made of polyester
  • Square plenum boxes and plenum boxes with vertical spigot: Spigot made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Circular plenum boxes with horizontal spigot: Spigot made of black ABS, according to UL94, V0 flame retardant
  • Lip seal made of Evoprene
  • Diffuser face powder-coated, RAL 9010, pure white
  • P1: Powder-coated, RAL Classic colour

Technical data

  • Nominal sizes: 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm
  • Minimum volume flow rate, for ΔtZ = -6 K: 9 - 28 l/s or 31 - 102 m³/h
  • Maximum volume flow rate, at LWA ≅ 50 dB(A): 70 – 235 l/s or 252 – 846 m³/h
  • Supply air to room air temperature difference: -12 to +10 K

FDQZHML/500/P1 - RAL …

1 Type
FD Swirl diffuser

2 Construction style
R Circular
Q Square
3 System
Z Supply air
A extract air
4 Connection
H horizontal
V vertical (the plenum box is always circular)
5 Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing
No entry: without damper blade
M with damper blade
MN with cords and pressure tap (only with square plenum box)
6 Accessories
No entry: without accessories
L with lip seal
7 Nominal size [mm]
300, 400, 500, 600, 625
8 Exposed surface
No entry: powder-coated RAL 9010, pure white
P1 Powder-coated, specify RAL CLASSIC colour
Gloss level
RAL 9010 GU50
RAL 9006 GU30
All other RAL colours GU70
Note: Circular plenum boxes with horizontal spigot are only available without damper unit and lip seal or with damper unit and lip seal. Features 2 and 4 define the plenum box geometry.

Order example: FD–Q–Z–H–MN/500/P1–RAL 9016

Construction styleSquare
SystemSupply air
Damper blade for volume flow rate balancingWith cord and pressure tap
Accessorieswithout accessories
Nominal size500
Exposed surfaceRAL 9016, traffic white, GU70

Order example: FD–R-Z-H/600

Construction styleCircular
SystemSupply air
Damper blade for volume flow rate balancingWithout
Nominal size600
Exposed surfaceRAL 9010, pure white, GU50

Variants, Dimensions, Product details




  • Ceiling swirl diffuser with square diffuser face
  • With square plenum box for horizontal duct connection

Nominal sizes
  • 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm

  • Square diffuser face
  • Plenum box for horizontal duct connection
  • Square opening to accommodate the diffuser face
  • Equalising element that ensures a uniform airflow through the diffuser face (supply air variant)
  • Simple installation of the diffuser face due to central fixing screw with decorative cap
  • Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing (optional)
  • Pressure tap and cord-operated damper blade for volume flow rate balancing (optional)
  • Lip seal (optional)

Construction features
  • Spigot suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180
  • Spigot with groove for lip seal (if accessory lip seal has been ordered)



  • Ceiling swirl diffuser with square diffuser face
  • With circular plenum box for vertical duct connection

Nominal sizes
  • 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm

  • Plenum box for vertical duct connection
  • Circular opening to accommodate the diffuser face
  • Equalising element that ensures a uniform airflow through the diffuser face (supply air variant)
  • Simple installation of the diffuser face due to central fixing screw with decorative cap
  • Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing (optional) Lip seal (optional)

Construction features
  • Spigot suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180
  • Spigot with groove for lip seal (if accessory lip seal has been ordered)



  • Ceiling swirl diffuser with circular diffuser face
  • With circular plenum box for horizontal duct connection

Nominal sizes
  • 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm

  • Plenum box for horizontal duct connection
  • Circular opening to accommodate the diffuser face
  • Equalising element that ensures a uniform airflow through the diffuser face (supply air variant)
  • Simple installation of the diffuser face due to central fixing screw with decorative cap
  • Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing (optional)
  • Lip seal (optional)

Construction features
  • Spigot suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180
  • Spigot with groove for lip seal (if accessory lip seal has been ordered)



  • Ceiling swirl diffuser with circular diffuser face
  • With circular plenum box for vertical duct connection

Nominal sizes
  • 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm

  • Circular diffuser face
  • Plenum box for vertical duct connection
  • Circular opening to accommodate the diffuser face
  • Equalising element that ensures a uniform airflow through the diffuser face (supply air variant)
  • Simple installation of the diffuser face due to central fixing screw with decorative cap
  • Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing (optional)
  • Lip seal (optional)

Construction features
  • Spigot suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180
  • Spigot with groove for lip seal (if accessory lip seal has been ordered)
① Plenum box
Weights apply to the supply air variant.

Weights apply to the supply air variant.

Weights apply to the supply air variant.
① Plenum box

Weights apply to the supply air variant.



Installation and commissioning

  • Preferably for rooms with a clear height up to 4.0 m
  • Flush ceiling installation
  • Freely suspended installation only with an extended border (supply air variant)
  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection
  • If necessary, carry out volume flow rate balancing with the damper unit

These are only schematic diagrams to illustrate installation details.


Volume flow rate balancing
When several diffusers are connected to just one volume flow controller, it may be necessary to balance the volume flow rates.
  • Ceiling diffusers with universal plenum box and damper blade (variant -M): The diffuser face can be removed to access the damper blade; the damper blade can then be set to any position between 0 and 90°
  • Ceiling diffusers with universal plenum box, damper blade and pressure tap (variant -MN): The diffuser face need not be removed as the damper blade can be set with two cords (white and green).

Volume flow rate measurement
Ceiling diffusers with universal plenum box, damper blade and pressure tap (variant -MN) allow for volume flow rate balancing even with the diffuser face in place.
  • Connect the measuring tube to the digital manometer
  • Read the effective pressure
  • Read the volume flow rate off the characteristic or calculate it
  • If necessary, adjust the damper blade position with the cords

A characteristic is included with each AK-Uni plenum box




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