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Our efforts to promote sustainability are in line with a key value of our corporate policy, as well as with an important mega trend: health. Healthy people, thanks to good, clean air and a healthy environment. The many uncertainties of a year shaped by the coronavirus, highlight the true importance of this fundamental value and mega trend. This is why we think of sustainability as an opportunity for TROX to stand out as an employer and a solution provider.

For a foundation, sustainability is by definition part of its very essence. It is therefore particularly fitting for a foundation-owned company such as TROX to define and practise sustainability as part of its corporate DNA. Our commitment to steadily expand our leadership role in the air conditioning and ventilation technology industry, while making the well-being of humans our first priority, is the motor that drives sustainability development at TROX.

Consistent commitment to sustainability is essential for TROX. It is clearly the basis for continued success for our corporate group. A sustainable approach for the entire TROX GROUP gives us a competitive edge, helps us to reinforce our industry leadership in technology again and again, and it allows for an exemplary contribution to fighting climate change. TROX aims at being carbon neutral by 2040 the latest.

Sustainability and COVID-19 at TROX. In line with its motto ‘for indoor life quality’, TROX has always focused on improving quality of life through fresh, healthy indoor air. The coronavirus pandemic has made this endeavour even more important around the world.

Click here to download the Sustainability Report 2020

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