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vállalat / Sajtóközlemények

„The human being is the yardstick, and people's well-being is our goal.“ We are particularly committed to this motto of TROX company founder Heinz Trox. For 70 years now, the well-being of people and partnership-based dealings with suppliers, customers and our employees have been the focus of TROX's entrepreneurial activities.

In a workshop spanning several days, the extended management team together with colleagues from the Works Council looked at the individual strengths of the TROX company, the TROX products and the people who work there.

The result was the establishment of five values that apply to the entire TROX GROUP.

Trust, Safety, Reliability, Quality, Sustainability

While these five values apply group-wide, each TROX subsidiary has developed three further values for itself – or will do so in the future. TROX GmbH, for example, has chosen the following three values:

Tolerance, Fairness, Authenticity

To turn mere words into real values, an information campaign was launched around the globe on 13 September 2021 to inform all colleagues around the world about the values that form the basis of the TROX identity - and in particular to show what these values mean to the day-to-day working lives of each and every employee. Workshops will therefore be held over the course of the next year to actively address these values and goals as well as the TROX mission and vision.

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