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Sajtóközlemények / termékek

If nothing but clean air is to enter the room, high-density supply air casings such as the TFC types from TROX are used. They are intended as a terminal filter stage to contain high-efficiency filters in clean air systems and ensure the reliable separation of suspended particles down to the smallest microorganisms.

Clean rooms play a crucial role in medicine, biology, pharmacy or sensitive technical areas. Efficient air filtration systems with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) and ULPA (Ultra Low Penetration Air) filters are required to meet the strict air pollution control specifications.

However, not only the purchase price of a filter is decisive for the operating costs. The expenses for maintenance and filter changes as well as necessary sealing work and leak tests also represent a considerable cost factor.

Thanks to many innovative design features and technical innovations, the new TFC ceiling diffuser from TROX ensures considerable savings in long-term costs. For example, all maintenance work can be carried out by just one person - even without tools during initial installation.

The patented press-on frame and a removable cross bar significantly simplify filter change and enable full-surface particle measurement. Filters with a foamed continuous seal can be used in the TFC, as can many other filter panels. In addition, there is an easily accessible measuring tube and integrated access for the optional aerosol feed.

The innovative TFC filter casing from TROX is available as standard in various versions with flow adjustment dampers or shut-off dampers as well as various connection spigots and front diffusers for integration into all ceiling systems. A new addition to the range is a variant for installation flush with the ceiling, which eliminates the need to reseal the air diffuser.

Thus, the many small optimisations of the new TFC HEPA filter air diffuser lead to noticeable savings in long-term costs for operators of clean air environments

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