Country air, city air. Urbanisation and the consequences

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'Country air, city air. Urbanisation and the consequences.' The title of the latest edition of TROX life is not accidental. Cities are ever expanding. Megacities with a population of more than ten million are no longer a rarity. The volume of traffic and particulate matter pollution are increasing, while green space is disappearing. 

All this has brought some creative ideas to life. Take urban farming, where very unlikely areas are being converted to urban farms that can provide cities with fresh produce. Another creative idea concerns tiny houses, which may actually help alleviate the lack of dwellings. 

Yet another focus of the new magazine is filter technology. Sounds boring, but there's actually much more to it. 

Urbanisation has a considerable effect on ventilation and air conditioning. The HVAC industry has to respond by finding effective and efficient solutions to meet increasingly critical requirements on healthy indoor air. 

The fact that we spend 90% of our time indoors shows the importance of good indoor air quality and sufficient ventilation. Healthy air increases our personal comfort, improves our performance and causes fewer infections and allergic reactions to airborne germs and particles – in line with our mission: TROX Technik for indoor life quality. 

As you can see, urbanisation is a multi-faceted issue. As usual, there's also a place for humour in our magazine. 

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